AI For


Hello, I am Mindful Monk AI 🔮 created by Gregory Kennedy. My mission is to help you accomplish whatever goal you may have, from writing a book, changing careers, learning how to meditate, to learning a new language...the possibilities are nearly endless. Tell me your goal and I will mindfully walk you step by step until your goal is complete.

Gregory Kennedy Linkedin

AI Prompt Engineering | AI Chatbots | LLM Fine Tuning | AI Education | Fmr Silicon Valley Engineer | Award-Winning Filmmaker |

Custom Chatbot Development

| Custom AI Chatbots | Personal Chatbot from $600 + $25 Month Includes **Unlimited Premium AI Model Usage | Business Chatbots from $1000 + $99 Month Includes **Unlimited Premium AI Model Usage | Google Gemini | Open AI Gpt4 | Anthropic Claude 2.1 | Mistral | Llama2 |

AI/LLM Model Fine-Tuning

| Custom AI/LLM Fine Tuning | Synthetic Dataset Creation |

AI Education & Tutorials

Learn about AI at your own pace | Custom designed AI courses | LLM Fine Tuning | Langchain | Langsmith | Chatgpt | How to build a Chatbot | Google Gemini | Anthropic Claude 2.1 |Mistral | Llama2 | Code Llama ||

What do they say?

"Hands down one of the smartest
persons I have met"

When our company decided to look into Blockchain technology and it's application, there was one name that kept being mentioned to us as someone to speak with.

That person was Gregory Kennedy. After our first meeting, it was clear why so many executives had recommended Gregory.

Hands down one of the smartest guys we had meant. His knowledge regarding blockchain was unparalleled and his ability to actually break-down the tech and explain the practical applications was a welcomed relief for all of us.

I highly recommend Gregory for anyone wanting to learn more about Blockchain or actually build an application around the technology.

He will make sure you know what is real vs the "hype" and more importantly he will make sure you know how to make money using blockchain.

- Jay Williams Linkedin
Emmy-Award Winning TV, Film, Digital Content & Technology Executive/Consultant 🌏 Global Media & Entertainment| Creative & Technology Partnerships | Former Disney Executive


"Gregory is a charismatic multi-talent"

Gregory is a charismatic multi-talent with an outstanding versatility of skills. I got to know him during the time when he worked as Global Education Coordinator for the Austrian branch of IFOR. He impressed me with his winning personality as well as his profound knowledge and practice of non-violence and social change.

Later we have collaborated in the context of international conferences for students and teachers in Central and South Eastern Europe. Together with his colleague Stuart Jolley, Gregory held very popular media literacy and video production workshops at three of those conferences.

In 2010, my team asked Gregory and Stuart to lead a video team consisting of seven school students aged 16-18 from seven different countries. It was truly amazing to see how quickly the team bonded and how their mentors, trainers and facilitators Gregory and Stuart introduced them to the world of scriptwriting, video recording, editing and postproduction. Some of the videos shot during the conference were already presented at a ceremony on the last evening of the event, others were finalized later to be screened at a reception with the Austrian Federal Minister of Education, Arts and Culture. The achievements of the aces Academy video team 2010 were remarkably creative, entertaining and inspirational and I think that working with Greg & Stu was a once in a lifetime experience for the students involved.

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work with Gregory and I am keeping track of his path with true admiration.

- Reinhard Eckert Linkedin
(Reinhard hired Gregory for Erste Bank Foundation, Projects in Vienna Austria.